Farm Fences

T A Hodgson Limited
Oak Tree Woodhead Farm
CA11 8TD
07715 028 366
Running a farm is no easy task. It's likely you have numerous groups of animals, and you need to keep them all separate. Farm animals can be unpredictable creatures. Even the most well looked after will try and escape from time to time. For this reason, it's vital that you have the proper measures in place for when this happens. A high quality farm fence, is your first line of defence.
Need to keep your animals safe in Penrith and surrounding Cumbria? TA Hodgson have plenty of experience installing agricultural fencing all over. Fill out our contact form for a quote. Or give us a call on 07715 028 366 to get one sooner.
If you're a farmer, your animals are a big part of your livelihood. Because of this, you want to do everything you can to keep them safe and prevent any dying unnecessarily. Unfortunately, if your livestock are able to get out of their fields, it's all too easy for them to wander onto roads. Animals on roads cause accidents. If this happens you could very well stand to lose valuable livestock. As well as this, you have to pay any drivers' insurance claims brought about by the incident. For the price of putting up a durable farm fence, you'll save yourself money by properly protecting your livestock.
Livestock that can escape will also prove a nuisance to anyone near your farm. The last thing someone wants is to wake up to a sheep or cow destroying their garden. So you'll also keep yourself in your nieghbours' good books with the right fencing.
TA Hodgson are experts in agricultural fencing, we actually started out as farmers ourselves. So we have more than enough experience to help you with your agricultural fencing needs. We understand that different animals and different terrain call for different kinds of fencing. So we offer advice on what's best for each situation.
We're able to offer the following types of agricultural fencing and more:
• Livestock fencing
• Horse arena fencing
• Gates
• Tree boxes
• Stiles
• Deer fencing
• Poultry fencing
• Forestry fencing
Want to make the most of our agricultural fencing experience? Get in touch today to start talking about your new farm fences. Give us a call on 07715 028 366 for a faster response.